Monday, October 4, 2010

The Moment You Take a Break...

Don't you just need a break sometimes?  Okay, now I sound like a Kit Kat commercial.  Or maybe a weekend.  I don't miss a lot about my career woman days, but weekends were nice.

For once, this past weekend felt like a break from the grind.  We had some good family time on Saturday morning with Little Man's soccer game--"I hustled a little bit!" says he.  Then I spent a little quality time at Starbucks with my sister while best-hubby-ever took the kids home and got them in the bed for naps.  After naptime, he shocked me with the request to go to the grocery and pick up food for dinner--and LEAVE THE KIDDOS AT HOME!  Ahhh...the beauty of rolling the aisles in complete freedom from the obnoxious race-car cart!  

Hubby headed off for a long-overdue round of golf with his buddies Sunday morning, and the kids and I took an impromptu trip to the zoo.  We didn't make it to church, but we talked a lot about all the animals God made for us.  After naptime Sunday (which I enjoyed by napping with everyone else!), Little Man and I headed out to the Praise Chamber.  We've meant to go for so long, but it's just never been the right time.  Hubby agreed to watch Little Lady and we lit out on our own for an evening of praise music like I haven't heard in the longest!  Little Man must have told me 10 times, "It's just you and me, Mommy!!"  

I really felt like we had a weekend.  We played.  We rested.  And then this morning...

I did it!  I actually got up at 5:55, a mere 5 minutes after my alarm went off.  I snuck down the basement and spent 20 minutes on the treadmill (and it was moving, albeit slowly, the entire time!), did the first day of my new study in Judges (even more excited about it now!), and got my thoughts together for the day. I certainly won't say the actual rolling-out-of-bed part was easy--far from it.  But it was SO worth it!

I was afraid of this.  I was afraid I'd like it.  That means now I have to do it again.  Humph.

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